Maximizing your time on a baecation

One thing is for sure, none of us have time to waste. We are all busier than ever and utilizing our time more effectively has become of the utmost importance. This includes vacation/baecation time! I have been guilty of planning a trip, booking all the transportation needs, figuring out where we will be staying, and just going. Then upon arrival we’re looking at each other asking “What do you want to do?” This drives me nuts! 

The movies and TV shows have us thinking that spontaneity is the way to go and that it always leads to fun. Although I believe that spontaneous trips can be fun and adventurous, every trip doesn’t turn out that way. So for me, I am all  about planning ahead. In no way do I mean have an hour by hour itinerary (although there are times when that is handy as well). But I think having an idea of what is available to do in the area and when, is very helpful.

Another thing I am a huge advocate for when traveling with your significant other is planning for the “down time.” My love language is quality time. That is more than just spending time together, it is HOW you spend time together. Therefore, utilizing our time more effectively is key.

On our recent baecation to Chicago, Lawrence and I had a wonderful time. Upon reflecting about the time we spent together, I picked out five things that helped us maximize our time.

Tips to Maximize your Time:

  1. Create a special playlist, especially if you’re taking a road trip. Reminiscing on meaningful songs throughout your vacation can not only spark great conversation it allows you all to have fun in the moment. Some playlist ideas include:
    • Songs from the  year you all met
    • Songs you both love to listen to
    • Songs that are native to the place you are traveling
    • Songs that are memorable about your wedding day/reception
  1. Make a custom Google Map. I had no idea I could do this until I saw a colleague make one a few weeks ago. I was able to look up places that we were interested in and then place them on the map. This allowed us to see how close places were in relation to the hotel. We were also able to color code it based on the activity (i.e. dining, shopping, museums, etc.) Making a custom saved us time. We did not have to constantly ask Siri to find shopping or dining close to us. We already knew what we were interested in and could get the directions by clicking on our map. This video helped me discover how.
  1. Look up podcasts you both would like. This is especially great for road trips as well. This is an additional way to spark conversation and potentially deepen your understanding of one another. Some of the podcast we enjoy listening to include:
  1. Make reservations ahead of time. We definitely learned this the hard way. With so many options available for dining and entertainment while on a baecation, it is tempting to just say “We’ll figure it out when we get there,” right? Wrong! This mentality left me hangry and frustrated. It is best to make multiple reservations ahead of time to ensure that you are able to get into the places you desire. Just be sure to cancel the reservations you no longer need so that others can grab those spots!
  1. Rest. As a mother of three and a wife that works full time, nothing says vacation more to me than getting some rest! Be sure to make time for this. This allows you and your spouse to enjoy the well deserved time together without being exhausted. Which directly maximizes the quality time you are able to spend together.

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